Pushing ‘wokeness’ in schools should be disqualifying

Using school to indoctrinate children with “woke” liberal ideology is something that should be immediately disqualifying for someone wanting to work in education, both for pushing a toxic worldview on children and for actively sabotaging their educations.

Glassbrook Elementary School is one school that needs to heed this warning and clean house. Nestled between Oakland and San Jose in the Bay Area, Glassbrook spent a whopping $250,000 in federal money on an organization literally called “Woke Kindergarten,” which is committed to “abolitionist early education and pro-black and queer and trans liberation.”

As you can imagine based on that brief description, the group is obnoxiously political and teaches children to hate police officers and become little racists who divide people based on their skin color and “disrupt whiteness.” The group’s founder believes both the United States and Israel don’t have a right to exist. Every brain-dead opinion from a whiny college undergraduate who thinks they are smarter than the world is included.

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