Shakespeare-themed pizzeria in Pleasanton among Yelp’s top 100 places to eat

The Yelp’s the thing, Bard-bedecked Pleasanton pizzeria learns 02:18

PLEASANTON – In the fair town of Pleasanton where dreams unfold, a cheesy tale is about to be told.

A couple’s journey, a whimsical quest —  from the halls of high school to pizza with zest.

“I was a teacher for 25 years. I taught theater and English and I knew that I wanted it to be something very unique to me and what I love,” Kira Zabrowski said.

Kira Zabrowski and her husband Mark, gambled their savings on a fresh new start.

“Much Ado About Pizza” they called it in jest, a culinary experiment put to the test.

“Everyone thought we were crazy,” Kira said.

Their menu, a sonnet, each slice is a verse. But the question remained, was the concept a curse?

They worked day and night, hoping to grow, but for weeks, even months, they were making no dough.

“We were in a really tough spot. Sales weren’t happening. Summer was really rough, people weren’t coming in,” Kira said.

That’s where this plot takes an unexpected twist, as their Shakespearian-themed parlor made Yelp’s Top 100 Places to Eat list .

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