San Jose community service officer injured in fatal crash leaves hospital

San Jose community service officer injured in crash released from hospital 03:15

While the San Jose law enforcement community is grieving the loss of one of its own, there was a much-needed moment of joy Wednesday afternoon as injured community service officer Veronica Baer left Santa Clara Valley Medical Center.

It was just about 3 o’clock Wednesday when Veronica Baer came out of the hospital in a wheelchair with visible injuries to her face and body. It was an extremely emotional moment as she headed home to recover from her injuries.

“CSO Veronica Baer, from all your brothers and sisters from the San Jose Police Department, we wish you a speedy recovery and well going home. We have all been thinking about you for the past four days and you will forever have our love and support,” a woman announced on the public address system.

Law enforcement officers lined both sides of the hallway as Veronica Baer was released from the hospital.

“Thank you for all your dedication and service to our department and the City of San Jose,” the message continued.

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