Debate between Newsom, California mayors over Prop. 36 heating up

Gov. Newsom splits from San Jose mayor over Prop 36 03:44

The debate over Proposition 36, the ballot measure would allow felony charges and increased sentences for theft and drug crimes , is heating up between Gov. Gavin Newsom and California’s mayors.

Some mayors across the state are in support of it, including Mayor Matt Mahan of San Jose.

“We see that we have an epidemic of unaddressed, untreated addiction,” said Mahan. “The answer is treatment.”

Mahan said Prop. 36 would help reduce retail crime, by mandating that drug-addicted individuals committing crimes get help.

“We have to have accountability for treatment,” said Mahan. “We have to give judges the tools they need to mandate that people get treatment.”

Newsom was in San Jose Friday signing 10 bills addressing retail, property and auto theft . He disagrees with the mayor, arguing that Mahan isn’t seeing the full picture.

“I would ask those who support it, particularly mayors, where are the treatment slots? Where at the beds? There are 22 counties in the state of California that don’t have one residential treatment facility,” said Newsom.

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