San Jose developer nets millions to transform Berryessa corridor

North San Jose will see a transformational change along one of its busiest transit corridors as more affordable housing, walkways and bike and bus lanes are developed — thanks to a multimillion-dollar state grant aimed at reducing carbon emissions.

Affirmed Housing Group has received a $38 million grant to build 195 affordable apartments next to the Berryessa Transit Center and make transportation improvements along King Road, which runs parallel to the site. The grant comes from the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program, which finances projects that integrate affordable housing and environmental sustainability.

“The King Road corridor will be transformed into a safer, calmer street to better serve the needs of transit riders, bicyclists and pedestrians,” Rob Wilkins, Northern California vice president of Affirmed Housing Group, told San José Spotlight.

Several miles of bus-only lanes will be built, along with 29,000 feet of walkways. In addition, each resident in the housing development will have access to bikes and scooters and receive a free BART and VTA pass to encourage ridership. This will “significantly enhance transit ridership,” Wilkins said.

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