North Valley non-profit offering free parent classes to families

A North Valley non-profit wants to support parents in Central California, and they’re offering classes at no cost.

ACE Overcomers is seeking to help families understand how stress not only affects them but also their kids. CEO and founder, Dave Lockridge, founded ACE Overcomers 15 years ago.

Their mission is to break the cycle of adverse childhood experiences, also known as ACEs. The group has not only helped people in Central California but also internationally.

“We’re here to partner with the parents,” said Lockridge. “Give you the skills needed to feel confident in your parenting.”

Next month, ACE Overcomers will be holding two parenting sessions at the Atwater United Methodist Church. The goal is to help parents improve relationships with their kids, as well as understand how toxic stress impacts a child’s health.

“We break it down into very understandable concepts of Bossy Bob, Spoiler Sam, Detached Dave, and Relational Rick,” explained Lockridge. “If you understand these different parenting styles, you’re going to better understand how you can relate to your child.”

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