Former San Jose mayor gets big boost from Bloomberg

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has dropped $1.5 million into a super PAC supporting his friend Sam Liccardo’s run for Congress.

Bloomberg’s recent contributions appeared in the committee Neighbors for Results’ September filings, posted Friday afternoon, bringing his total donations to $2 million. The large contribution adds to the piles of special interest money in the race for Rep. Anna Eshoo’s seat in Congressional District 16, between former San Jose Mayor Liccardo and Assemblymember Evan Low.

“Sam Liccardo is proud to have the support of Democrats like Mike Bloomberg, who he worked with to reduce gun violence, fight climate change and lower the cost of living,” Liccardo’s campaign spokesperson Gil Rubinstein told San José Spotlight. “Evan Low, on the other hand, has the support of PG&E, big oil, casinos, and private prisons because he voted their way, like when PG&E wanted rate increases and when big oil wanted to drill near our neighborhoods. The choice in this race couldn’t be clearer.”

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