Over the holiday weekend, the Garden Grove Police Department Neighborhood Trattic Unit conducted extra DUl enforcement. These are often referred to as DUI Saturation Patrols.
These saturations resulted in a total of 50 citations being issued and 6 DUI arrests
Here are some of the top California Vehicle Code violations that police frequently issue tickets for:
1. Speeding (CVC 22350)
Driving faster than is safe for current conditions. Penalties can include fines and points on your driving record.
2. Running a Red Light (CVC 21453)
Failing to stop at a red traffic signal. This violation can result in fines and points on your record.
3. Driving Without a License (CVC 12500)
Operating a vehicle without a valid driver’s license. Penalties can include fines and possible jail time.
4. DUI (CVC 23152)
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This serious offense can lead to heavy fines, license suspension, and jail time.
5. Reckless Driving (CVC 23103)
Driving with willful disregard for the safety of persons or property. Penalties include fines, points, and possible jail time.
6. Cell Phone Use While Driving (CVC 23123)
Using a handheld cell phone while driving. This can result in fines.
7. Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign (CVC 22450)
Not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. Penalties include fines and points on your record.
8. Unsafe Lane Changes (CVC 21658)
Changing lanes without signaling or when it’s unsafe. This can lead to fines and points.
9. Seat Belt Violations (CVC 27315)
Not wearing a seat belt while driving. Penalties include fines.
10. Expired Registration (CVC 4000a1)
Driving a vehicle with expired registration. This can result in fines…