Rain hits before dawn and leaves gently through the day without any major problems

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – In the third phase of a wave of weather since the weekend, the early Monday morning rain was the hardest on the Central Coast.

Around 4 a.m., streets were soaked, some intersections were full, and although at times the water crested over curbs it did not get to the point of flooding businesses like we saw a few weeks ago.

The Santa Barbara waterfront lost some of its protective berms and had tidal over flow recently with a storm and high tides around Leadbetter beach but it held this time around.

McKenzie Tompkins was on Stearns Wharf and said the weather was easy to handle. “I do underwater construction. I work outside so it doesn’t affect me at all,” he said.

Santa Barbara resident Marco Antonio Sanchez said, “right now the rain … people they enjoying I see people walking sometimes outside. For me rain is something is good for everybody.”

West Beach near Stearns Wharf had more of an impact with a mini lake forming from the shoreline to the walkway.

One of the busiest businesses rain or shine is Mother Stearns Candy Company with it’s taffy, fudge, popcorn and treats.

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