This Central Coast wine bar is one of Yelp’s top 100 restaurants in the U.S. What’s it like?

A Central Coast wine bar is one of the 100 best places in the United States to grab a bite, according to popular review site Yelp.

Aperitivo in downtown Santa Barbara landed at No. 17 on Yelp’s 2024 list of Top 100 Places to Eat in the U.S .

Tumerico, a Tuscon, Arizona, restaurant known for its Latin-inspired vegan and vegetarian fare, topped this year’s list of the best U.S. eateries, followed by Menya Rui ramen shop in St. Louis and Sunny Side Kitchen, a sandwich joint in Escondido.

In total, nearly 20 California restaurants ranked in the top 100, including Aperitivo.

To come up the 2024 list, Yelp’s data science team “analyzed user submissions to determine the top restaurants by ratings, number of reviews and volume of submissions,” the site said, finalizing the rankings with the help of its community managers.

Santa Barbara wine bar ranked on Yelp restaurant list

Located at 7 West Haley St., off State Street, Aperitivo is owned by sommelier Andrea Girardello and executive chef Brian Dodero.

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