Santa Barbara County Approves $130 Million Bond for Jail Remodel and Other Big-Ticket Projects

The county supervisors on Tuesday approved the issuance of $130 million in Certificates of Participation, a bond-like instrument of municipal debt, to cover the cost of six major construction projects, the most obvious being rehabilitating a portion of the county’s Main Jail on the South Coast. How big that project needs to be in terms of bed space remains the bone of contention between Sheriff Bill Brown and a majority of county supervisors, but the debt authorization puts aside $20.4 million for the project, whatever it winds up being. The biggest ticket item – $53 million-is for a brand-new county Probation Department headquarters; $17.6 million is earmarked for a Regional Fire Communications Center; $16 million for a Public Safety Radio Network; $7.5 million for renovations of the RV Park at Cachuma Lake; and $5.2 million for Fire Station 27.

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