Winery walk will help mental wellness funds throughout Santa Barbara County

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. – Participants plan to put their best foot forward on a weekend winery walk that will raise money for the Mental Wellness Center in Santa Barbara. A portion will also go to the One Mind non-profit that funds neuropsychiatric brain research.

The event Saturday begins at 9 a.m. at the Alma Rosa winery . It is called “Peace of Mind: 10,000 Steps in the Right Direction”

“This walk is so important to use because May is Mental Health Awareness Month,” said the Mental Wellness Center CEO, AnneMarie Cameron at the headquarters on Garden Street in Santa Barbara. “All of the money raised at this event will go to support our programs here at the Mental Wellness Center.”

The funds then alo go to a variety of mental wellness programs countywide.

Alma Rosa Winery General Manager Debra Eagle said, “the Wellness Center provides services to people  that have had a mental  diagnosis here in Santa Barbara County and One Mind  funds research for mental health diagnosis so they are a great compliment to each.”

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