The removal of five Italian Stone pine trees on E. Anapamu street has ignited backlash

Five Italian stone pine trees on a stretch of East Anapamu Street in Santa Barbara have been cut down recently. All but one.

The city says the trees had to be cut down because of unleveled sidewalks, damaged roads and tree decay.

Some neighbors feel the trees should have stayed. Cheri Rae, a Santa Barbara resident and author said, “these trees were designated a city historic landmark in 1997, and there are policies and procedures that are suppose to be followed. They were not followed. HLC (Historic Landmarks Commission) actually got wind that they were getting ready to cut these trees down and they actually asked for the issue to be agendized and the city parks department refused to do.”

Urban Forest Superintendent, Nathan Slack says its a misconception that his department go to Historic Landmarks Commission for these kinds of things.

He says these actions are under the purview of the parks and recreation commission and that’s in the Santa Barbara Municipal Code 15.24, which is the preservation of the trees ordinance.

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