Two rehabilitated seal pups released off the coast of Santa Barbara

The non-profit Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute (CIMWI) rescues all kinds of marine life but two recently rehabilitated harbor seal pups captured the hearts of the entire team.

“We have never had the opportunity to rehabilitate and release harbor seal pups before, so these are a first for us,” said Jennifer Levine, Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute Animal Care Manager.

“Little Bunny Foo Foo” and “Kermit” were both rescued off local beaches showing signs of malnutrition and low energy.

“We tube-fed them a milk formula for a couple of days then got them to eat fish right away,” Levine explained.

Five weeks later…

“They both did so well in rehabilitation, and we are taking them back to the Carpinteria seal rookery where there will be lots of other type of their species and help them be reintroduced into the wild with some of their own kind,” Levine said.

“So it’s so, so touching to see them come back in the wild,” said Ester Moran, CIMWI Volunteer.

Moran has been caring for the pups since day one and hopes they’ll meet again one day.

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