How a mobile pet clinic is helping keep animals housed

Tirith Taylor says her dog, Paseo, is critical to her safety and stability as a homeless woman.

“He’s my protection. I’m out there by myself. He provides me with emotional stability and gives me a reason to wake up every day,” Taylor said.

Paseo was recently neutered at C.A.R.E. 4Paws mobile clinic, a non-profit offering low-cost medical care to thousands of animals annually. Board President Chris Harris says it’s essential to keep animals and their owners together.

“The lack of medical care is a significant factor in surrenders. You know, housing is still the largest factor. It’s the plurality of it, but vet care is right there with it,” Harris said.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the cost of veterinary care has risen 60% since 2014, outpacing inflation. C.A.R.E. 4Paws offers spay and neuter services for $30-$50 plus medication, vaccines for $15, and general exams for $40.

“We expect to help approximately 20,000 pets this year through our mobile wellness services,” Harris said.

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