The Handmade Trail on Butterfly Beach

••• “Do you know the story behind the trail between Butterfly Beach and East Beach?” asked D. “It’s well-developed and a convenient way to avoid some of the rocks, although it stops short of going all the way to East Beach. I looked at at Google Earth historical satellite footage and it appears to have been created somewhere between March 2021 and October 2022.” This was the first I’ve heard of it, so I went to take a look. I’m not sure how I could’ve missed the path, which someone has spent a lot of time and effort on; it includes serious stone steps, and there appears to be terracing in progress above one stretch. Getting permission for this kind of thing-from the property owners, the county, and the Coastal Commission-would be virtually impossible, so I imagine it’s more of a personal undertaking. And I wouldn’t be surprised if whoever lives (or hangs out) in the driftwood house is responsible, seeing as how the path ends there. P.S. Explore it at your own risk. The bluffs have been known to fall.

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