Artwalk Ventura held in the historic Downtown Ventura closed out the weekend with great art and music

VENTURA, Calif. – Held in the historic Downtown Ventura, was a self guided tour of art known as Artwalk Ventura. More than two hundred artists from dance, music and more, showcased their work for 48 hours as attendees shopped and admired the creativity and strength that artists put into their work.

“Right before I took that photo, I went under a wave, came up and then very quickly had to get the droplets off the water housing,” said Photographer, Amber Jenks. “When I go to shoot, it takes an enormous amount of strength, my camera housing with the camera is about 25 pounds that you lift up off the water.”

Shiloh Demmon, who creates niche art with frogs, was inspired by their grandma’s home, who had frog decor.

“Growing up my grandma had a lot of frog decor in her house and I just always thought it was kind of interesting and charming and weird,” said Artist, Shiloh Demmon. “I thought it was strange, she had like a really big garden sculpture of a frog sitting in her living room. And at the time I was getting a degree in ceramics, so I made my own large scale ceramic frog and once I started, it just never stopped.”

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