Gun violence forum draws concerned crowd in Petaluma

Gun violence forum held Sunday in Petaluma 04:16

PETALUMA — On Sunday in Petaluma the discussion was serious — deadly serious — as people gathered to explore the causes and solutions to the epidemic of gun violence.

Tuesday, Jan. 23, marked one year since seven immigrant farmworkers were murdered by a gunman in Half Moon Bay. Statements by the alleged gunman reveal that anger over a $100 forklift repair bill may have sparked the shooting spree.

It’s not uncommon for minor grievances to become major tragedies these days and this forum on gun violence, organized by the American Association of University Women, was well-attended by people who wonder what the world is coming to.

“To try and get people to feel more empowered about gun violence,” explained forum organizer Teresa Barrett. “Like ‘well, what can I do about it?’ They don’t really know.”

On the agenda was a law passed by Petaluma in 2022 — currently being promoted to other cities — that requires people to lock up their weapons or face legal consequences if harm is done with them.

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