Petaluma mobile home residents take their fight on the road photo credit: Noah Abrams/KRCB

Littlewoods resident Rufino Cortes speaks outside Harmony Communities

offices in Stockton, CA. on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.

Residents of a Petaluma mobile home park are facing the threat of large rent hikes and even possible eviction and closure.

They took a protest on the road this week to Stockton.

“The sprinklers are on in the middle of the day, if that gives you any kind of sign,” Protestor Angeles Cruz said. “We are very much drenched, but that’s not stopping any of us from our freedom of speech.”

The roughly two dozen residents are mainly from Petaluma’s Littlewoods Mobile Villa off Lakeville Highway, on the city’s southeast side.

The tenants are protesting outside the office of Stockton-based Harmony Communities.

That’s the mobile home – or as Harmony refers to it manufactured home – management company that runs Littlewoods.

Residents there have been locked in a pitched battle over the past year with Harmony and the property’s owners, the Ubaldi family.

Story continues