San Francisco man arrested for financial elder abuse; $64,000 in alleged fraud in Marin

On Tuesday, March 4th 2025, the Marin County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Division made an arrest related to recent Financial Scams, targeting elder adults that have been plaguing our County. Zhuowen Yu (43 yr old male, San Francisco) was identified as a suspect in at least two incidents, one in San Rafael and one in Pt Reyes Station. He is suspected of defrauding at least $64,000 from Marin residents.

Both incidents shared similar methods to defraud unknowing victims. The victims received electronic notifications that their Apple ID or Adobe Acrobat accounts were ‘compromised’. In both instances, the suspects told the victims to withdraw cash from their bank accounts and a courier would collect the funds to ‘protect’ the money from further compromise.

Yu’s vehicle was identified through Automated License Plate Reader ALPR cameras throughout the County and connected to both incidents. MCSO Investigations Division worked with local agencies to locate Yu’s vehicle. Yu and his vehicle were found in South San Francisco, and Yu was detained by SSFPD…

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