Changing climate, terrorism are topics of speaker series

Sarasota Institute of Lifetime Learning’s “Global Issues” series continues in Venice, Sarasota and Lakewood Ranch with lectures focused on front-page issues examined by leading speakers

February’s lectures feature issues examined by renowned scientist, businessman and entrepreneur Bob Bunting; historian, educator and author Jeremi Suri; author and Georgetown University professor Bruce Hoffman; and Carla Koppell, vice dean for the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and managing director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security.

Here is the schedule for the planned speakers:

* Tuesday, Feb. 6, and Wednesday, Feb. 7: The Changing Climate and our Changing World with Bob Bunting. The global climate is warming. Bunting will discuss what we face during the next 30 years and what we can do about it.

He will present a unique outlook and offer specific solutions for this area as the climate continues warming and climate disruptions increase.

He will speak twice on Feb. 6, first at 10:30 a.m. at First United Methodist Church, 104 S. Pineapple Ave., Sarasota; then at 2:30 p.m. at the Venice Community Center, 326 S Nokomis Ave., Venice

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