Sarasota has long been called “the best little arts town” in the country. Ask almost any new resident and they’ll tell you the arts and cultural opportunities available here were a factor in their decision first to visit, then to move to the area.
That our lauded performing arts organizations and cultural destinations have historically been well supported financially, by both taxpayers and private philanthropy, has allowed that reputation to flourish.
But if the Sarasota Board of County Commission has its way, future funding from the tourist development tax (TDT) will go not toward ensuring the enduring quality of what these organizations present, but rather toward putting, as Commission Chair Mike Moran said, “more heads in the beds.”
“You could have the best programming content in the world, but if it’s not drawing a head in the bed, we’re not carrying out the mission,” said Moran, whose terms ends in November. “This money is dedicated to put a head in the bed.”
A half of one penny of the county’s six-cent “bed tax” on short-term hotel and rental stays is allocated to local arts and cultural organizations ; last year it provided a record $3.2 million to 35 organizations . The grants were originally intended to encourage programming that would extend Sarasota’s traditional January to April “high” tourist season; in recent years the funding has been a lifeline to organizations recovering from the COVID pandemic’s blows to attendance.