Delaney Lockwood’s success is measured by a smile

You might say Delaney Lockwood was born dancing. As a toddler, she was always in motion, inspired by her older sister, Lexie, who was a competitive dancer. At age 3 Lockwood began taking lessons.

From ages 5-10 she was a competitive dancer, but then stopped to pursue theater, while also playing a few seasons of basketball and soccer.

Lockwood was born in Sarasota 15 years ago and moved with her family to Osprey in 2021. She was homeschooled and attended Pine View School.

Currently a freshman at Venice High School, Lockwood is a pre-IB (International Baccalaureate) student, member of the Freshman Board for Student Government and participant in Chorus and Drama Club.

“Right now, most of my time is spent going to school, participating in school-related extracurriculars and at the theater,” she said.

But dance also is back in the picture.

This spring she’s the choreographer’s assistant and offstage dance captain for “The Marvelous Wonderettes: Dream On” (Feb. 23-March 17), which is being directed by Venice Theatre executive director Kristofer Geddie.

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