Manatee County Feb 06 Weekly Crime Report: 578 Incidents and 16 Crime Stories

Manatee County Feb 06 Weekly Crime Report: 578 Incidents and 16 Crime Stories

During the last week, Manatee County reported a total of 578 crime cases. The most frequent type of crime was ‘Suspicious Situation’, accounting for 158 cases. This was followed by ‘Other’ types of crime, with 83 instances reported. Arrests were made in 59 cases, while ‘Trespass’ and ‘Domestic Related’ incidents were reported 55 and 51 times respectively. Theft cases were slightly lower at 50, with ‘Disturbance’ incidents trailing at 44. More serious crimes such as ‘Assault’, ‘Burglary’, and ‘Shooting’ were less frequent, with 31, 18, and 15 cases respectively. The least reported crime was ‘Robbery’, with only 2 instances. This data provides a snapshot of the crime landscape in the place, highlighting the prevalence of less severe but disruptive crimes like ‘Suspicious Situation’ and ‘Trespass’, while more serious crimes such as ‘Assault’ and ‘Shooting’ remain a concern, albeit less frequent.

Incidents Last Week
Suspicious Situation 158
Other 83
Arrest 59
Trespass 55
Domestic Related 51
Theft 50
Disturbance 44
Assault 31
Burglary 18
Shooting 15

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