Editorial: Buchanan faces Pozzie for state House

Three-term incumbent James Buchanan, who represents House District 74 in the Florida Legislature, faces Republican opposition in the primary for the first time since his first run for the office, in 2018.

The Osprey resident is being challenged by North Port’s Michelle Pozzie, a self-described “grassroots candidate” for the House District 74 seat.

The winner faces Nancy M.H. Simpson in November.

Pozzie, who hasn’t run for or held elected office previously, said she decided to aim for the House in her first campaign because local officials told her they are constrained by mandates from the state.

“I feel the shortcoming is in Tallahassee,” she said, because nothing gets done unless it fits the agenda of the leadership in the Legislature.

She’s not wrong. With the Republican Party having a virtual stranglehold on both the House and the Senate, it’s largely leadership’s way or the highway. But that’s been the case for years.

Pozzie argues that it’s time for a change, saying that if elected she would “shine a light on what’s not getting done” and help her colleagues understand that “their days in office are numbered if they’re not doing the will of the people.”

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