With flooded homes, cars and streets, climate change should be a top campaign issue

Make climate change a priority

Sarasota is my favorite place on Earth.

I am blessed to have been born and raised here.

I am heartbroken watching my friends and their families post GoFundMe pages after the flooding from Debby because their cars are totaled and their homes, and everything in them, are destroyed. We have a responsibility to our neighbors to make sure this doesn’t keep happening.

Impact of Debby: Body found inside submerged car on Phillippi Creek

An overwhelming 85% of the population, across political lines, agrees that we have a moral responsibility to create a safe and healthy environment for ourselves and our children ( ecoAmerica 2024 ). The solutions that protect our environment also have so many benefits for us as individuals, like less frequent red tide and cheaper energy bills.

In this election year, it is important that candidates for office understand that Floridians want, and need, action on climate change. No matter your political party, we need to speak up to help our neighbors.

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