Venice artist and author shares his wisdom in self-help book

VENICE — After four decades working and socializing in literary circles, crafting a successful career authoring books, plays and screenplays, Rich Krevolin is comfortable writing about others, both in fiction and nonfiction.

But Krevolin, who shares his lifetime of learned wisdom in a self-help book, “40 Considerables: A Little Purple Book to Help You Navigate Life’s Gray Areas and Live More Colorfully” (Mystery House Publishing), which comes out Oct. 9, learned recently he is uneasy talking about himself.

The Venice resident has authored or co-authored nearly two dozen books — including “Screenwriting From the Soul: Letters to an Aspiring Screenwriter” — and has a number of unpublished books to his name.

“This has been the hardest book to promote,” he said.

It’s easier for Krevolin to say “Look at my characters and “look at the plot” than “look at me. Look at all I know.”

Krevolin is an author, consultant, story doctor and teacher. He also is an accomplished artist.

When the publisher was designing the back cover of “40 Considerables”, Krevolin said, “They had ‘Renaissance man’, and I hate that term. I know when I work with people on their writing that I have a gift to help people write better and tell their stories. And I should. I spent 40 years doing it.”

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