At 15, One Christ Won City to glorify Jesus, help Agape

VENICE — One Christ Won City, which calls itself simply “a gathering of local followers of Jesus on the West Coast of Florida,” is celebrating 15 years of service to Christ with an event benefiting Agape Flights called “Just Jesus.”

Venice has never had an event just to thank Jesus for the area’s blessings, President Jim Foubister said.

The Sept. 28 event includes worship songs by Voices for Jesus; a showing of a documentary about OCWC; and a talk by circus star Nik Wallenda.

All proceeds will go to Agape’s missions in the Caribbean, adding to the estimated $1.7 million economic impact OCWC says it has had since it started with a statement of faith among local pastors with a passion for unity, Foubister said.

The number includes collecting and distributing tens of thousands of pounds of food; serving thousands of meals; giving out thousands of items of clothing and furniture; and providing nearly $100,000 in hurricane relief.

It also includes thousands and thousands of hours of volunteer labor, many of them expended during the group’s annual Make A Difference Day project in October, when volunteers swarm city parks to do clean up, repair equipment and spread mulch, among other tasks.

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