Savannah City Council approves rezoning on Buckhalter which previously drew split support

Savannah City Council unanimously approved light industrial zoning for about 53 acres of land on Buckhalter Road on Thursday, paving the way for eight landowners to sell to developer Capital Development Partners. Once sold, the parcels will be rolled into the Rockingham Farms Industrial Park.

City council also approved an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map that allows for light industrial use in the area. Thursday’s decisions end a years-long process for the landowners trying to move from the boom of industry that landed in their backyard.

Background:Longtime residents along Buckhalter Road divided over march of industrial development

The rezoning was approved with the condition 100-foot buffers will be provided along the northern and eastern borders of the parcels to mitigate sound and light from the industrial park. These parcels sit southwest of Buckhalter Road, about a half mile from Veterans Parkway.

“When this process started the neighbors had two goals. One was to leave the area, and the other was to protect the remaining neighbors,” said Chat Howard Jr., one of the property owners on Buckhalter Road. “I feel like what they did today did both of those things.”

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