Letter: Push for national abortion ban, puts freedom on the line for Chatham County women

This letter is by Georgia House Rep. Anne Allen Westbrook.

For almost 50 years, the landmark decision in Roe v. Wade afforded women the constitutional right to privacy and the freedom to make deeply personal medical decisions without government interference.

Roe’s anniversary was a reminder that women in Chatham County and throughout Georgia find themselves living under an extreme abortion ban – and it’s ultimately because of former President Donald Trump.

Gov. Brian Kemp signed the abortion ban Georgia women are suffering under today – but it was Trump who cleared the path for it. Trump proudly brags about helping to overturn Roe and dismantle our rights, and has even called for “punishment” for women who get abortions.

There’s even more on the line in November: Trump and MAGA Republicans are campaigning on a national abortion ban and making plans to outlaw access to medication abortion. The only candidates running for president whom women can trust to protect our freedoms are President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Together, they are fighting to restore women’s access to reproductive healthcare and calling on Congress to codify Roe.

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