The KUCCPS Website is a Disgrace to the Silicon Savannah Dream

Many years ago, when I was a high school student, we applied to universities through a board known as “JAB” – the Joint Admissions Board. These applications were made through our school, right before or during the KSCE exams – Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education. That board was eventually disbanded in favor of the KUCCPS Board – Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service. Essentially, it’s the same idea but with a fancier name, as we like to do things in Kenya. However, here’s the thing: the JAB website, during our second and third revisions before final selection, wasn’t nearly as messy as the KUCCPS website has been over the past few weeks. I have never seen students, from all walks of life, so stressed about missing potential opportunities in higher education due to a faulty website.

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