Letter: Library’s Pride Month decision is out of date with the times

This letter is from Angie Palacios of Savannah

I wanted to respond to Latrice Williams’ article, The Decision was Mine: Pride Month Display Removed from Richmond Hill Library published on June 25.

As a recent graduate from Savannah State University with a bachelor’s in social work, and current graduate student at the University of Georgia pursuing my masters, I had an opinion over the protest to remove the Pride Month display.

I want to start by saying that I validate the thoughts of those that were upset by the display. However, as one of the new generation of social workers, I believe that the library should’ve kept the Pride Month display up. As social workers, we are taught to be open-minded, promote equality, and advocate to promote social change. Whether or not people want to recognize it, we are living in a new day where the LGBTQ+ community is growing and embracing their selves. Leaving the display up at the Richmond Hill-Bryan County Public Library would give children the opportunity to educate themselves at a young age about the world they live in.

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