Your Voice: In the wake of what happened at Apalachee High School, what do you want to see the politicians do about shootings in the public schools of Georgia?

Nolan Peters

Stone Mountain

“What I would like to see politicians do when it comes to school shootings is, primarily, I want to see them stop pushing the narrative that guns are the issue when it comes to these shootings. I want to see them stop trying to sensitize people to hate guns or even like guns if you’re on the other end… so I want to see them stop pushing the narrative that guns are the issue. Maybe the issue with the school shootings is more mental or more of an inability of the parents or the owner of the guns to protect them and keep them secure. But the idea of just having the gun is the issue, or the gun epidemic is a problem in the country. I would like to see them stop. Stop doing that.”

Hubert Wilson

Stone Mountain

“A gun is a tool. You can’t be mad and blame the tool. Stupid people do stupid things with tools. So, you can’t hold everybody responsible. First, the system focuses on brute force. You have police all over the place and all kinds of stuff. So, kids and school children imitate what they are bombarded with. So, if you want a change, you must change from the top down, not the bottom up. And that’s the bull that I can’t understand. And then they want to blame it on guns. Guns do nothing. If you put a million guns on the ground, they aren’t going to do anything. They aren’t going to get up and run to shoot nobody. Stupid people shoot people. Guns don’t do anything.”

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