Forsyth Park office complex draws concerns of traffic, density as developers engage neighborhood

When news of a potential three-story, underground parking garage on parcels adjacent to Forsyth Park surfaced earlier this year, members of the development team announced a traffic study by local engineering firm Thomas & Hutton was underway.

The study is now complete, and project developers were able to present the office’s design concepts and traffic study results to the Victorian Neighborhoods Association last week. The projects scale, with a 450-space garage and 125,000-square-foot office complex above it, has drawn concern from some residents related to traffic and density.

“It’s a massive, massive project,” said Peter Galloway, a Victorian Neighborhood resident who lives adjacent to the site.

Take a look: Office complex design on Forsyth Park set for Historic Preservation Commission. Here’s a look

When it comes to traffic, the study shows no nearby streets will be brought to an “unacceptable” level of service at project completion. Level of service is the metric used to rate traffic levels. It is graded on an A-F scale, with “F” grades deemed unacceptable.

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