Weird Georgia Laws That Will Make Your Head Hurt

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When we think about laws, we usually picture strict rules designed to keep us in line and make society safer. But every now and then, you come across laws that make you wonder: were they meant to be taken seriously, or are they just there to make us laugh? Georgia is full of such gems—strange, outdated laws that make you scratch your head and ask, “Why?”

Here’s a rundown of some of the quirkiest laws still technically in place in Georgia. Who knows, you might be breaking one right now without even realizing it!

Don’t Even Think About Spitting

In Savannah, it’s illegal to spit on the sidewalks, the floor of a public vehicle, or even inside public buildings. However, if you’re lucky enough to find a “cuspidor” (a spit container) around, go ahead and make use of it. Violating this law could mean you’re a rule-breaker—even if all you did was clear your throat on the sidewalk!

> Code 1977, § 9-3004: “It shall be unlawful for any person to spit upon the sidewalks in the city or upon the floor or platform of any public vehicle or in any public building, except in a cuspidor in the building.”

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