300,000 Jobs in Atlanta Region Related to Savannah, Brunswick Ports

Port activity in Georgia now supports approximately 300,800 jobs in the Atlanta region, and more than 600,000 full- and part-time jobs across the Peach State, according to an economic impact study by the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business. The statewide number is up 48,000 jobs or 8.6 percent compared to Fiscal Year 2021, the period covered by the previous study.

“This study confirms that our ports are invaluable economic drivers for the entire state,” said Governor Brian Kemp. “Across industries and communities in every corner of Georgia, the Ports of Savannah and Brunswick – as well as our entire ports ecosystem – both directly and indirectly support tens of thousands of jobs and create opportunity all across the state while connecting manufacturers with markets all around the world.”

Atlanta is the top market for intermodal rail for the Port of Savannah, with a total of nearly 195,000 import and export containers moving between the port and the city in 2024…

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