Georgia Man Charged with DWI After Presenting Chik-Fil-A Card as ID in Shrewsbury, Local Walmart Faces Multiple Theft Incidents

In a recent police blotter covering incidents from March 17th to March 23rd, Shrewsbury law enforcement officials detailed a string of curious criminal activities. Among them, a 33-year-old man from Georgia was arrested for driving while intoxicated. When asked for identification, the individual presented a Chik-Fil-A card and attempted to start his vehicle with a house key, which became twisted in the process. The Shrewsbury Police Department reported, “He was charged with Driving while Intoxicated after it was determined his BAC was almost three times the legal limit.”

Another case involved, a 56-year-old St. Louis man caught stealing $100 in merchandise from Walmart. He had hidden unpaid items in his clothing even though he had purchased other goods. Police discovered a questionable powder in his possession, to which the man gave shifting explanations, ultimately suggesting it could be “meth or fentanyl.” Yet another encounter at Walmart on Friday led to the arrest of a 34-year-old who, after buying several items, attempted to shoplift a necklace, concealing it in his pants pocket. Both individuals are facing charges accordingly.

Surveillance efforts also uncovered a failed break-in attempt when on Thursday, a man was spotted trying to enter a vehicle after smashing its window. Although the suspect spent around 30 minutes inside the car, nothing was reported stolen. A coordination between a black Charger and the masked suspect was noted, the vehicle seen driving back and forth in front of the targeted Jeep, but the suspects left empty-handed…

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