Freezing weather in forecast triggers opening of Kitsap severe weather shelters

Kitsap County severe weather shelters will be open Sunday, January 12, due to forecasted freezing weather conditions.

That night, the National Weather Service predicts a low temperature of 34 degrees . The shelters open when the weather forecast includes freezing temperatures, excessive rain, snow, and other extreme conditions, providing a place for people on the street to temporarily avoid the weather.

Three shelters will be open:

  • Village Green Community Center in Kingston, 26159 Dulay Road
  • Port Orchard Methodist Church, 725 Kitsap Street
  • Silverdale Community Church, 9982 Silverdale Way

Inside, shelter visitors will find a safe, warm place to sleep on a cot along and access to snacks, beverages and community donations such as clothes, socks, gloves, toiletries, sleeping bags and bus tokens…

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