Louisiana Springs Forward: Lose Sleep, Gain Accidents? March 9th

If you are like me, you probably forgot that we “spring forward” on Sunday morning. It is safe to say that every single American is sick of this process. Especially on this go around when we lose an hour of sleep.

How Do We “Spring Forward”?

We will “spring forward” into Daylight Saving Time this Sunday, March 9th at 2:00 A.M. So basically we leap from 1:59 am to 3:00 am. What joy, right? We have all heard from countless politicians that they want to bring an end to Daylight Saving Time, however, the entire conversation just seems to be getting stuck in Congress. Here is to hoping that this madness comes to an end soon.

What Can You Do to Prepare to Spring Forward?

Simply put, you have to…..

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