Spokane honored by Governor Inslee for innovative approach to affordable housing

SPOKANE, Wash. — Many in Spokane are unable to afford housing. In 2022, the City launched a program that looked to address that issue.

The Building Opportunity and Choices for All program, known as “BOCA,” reformed many ordinances that prevented low-income housing developments from being built.

That program has since expired, but some parts of it were adopted into law. On Wednesday, the program was commended by Governor Jay Inslee.

In a room full of community leaders, Inslee awarded the 2023 Smart Communities Award to the City of Spokane, recognizing the city’s innovative approach to multi-family housing.

That innovation was done through BOCA, which modified residential zoning, allowing more developments of housing across Spokane and creating new ways for those struggling with housing to find affordable and stable options.

“To change zoning ordinances, to reduce set back requirements, parking requirements, allowing more housing on a particular lot is exactly the medicine Washington state needs so we can build more housing,” Inslee said.

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