‘What are you going to do, shoot me?’: Logan shooting victim killed in altercation

SPOKANE, Wash. — A five-time convicted felon is suspected of shooting and killing a man in Spokane’s Logan neighborhood over an altercation last week.

According to the Affidavit of Facts filed in Spokane County District Court, 32-year-old Gunnar Doughty is accused of 2nd-degree murder in the death of 30-year-old Dylan McCorkle on February 2 at a home.

Detectives say they were told by witnesses that McCorkle had gone to the house Doughty was at to confront him about “disrespecting” McCorkle’s girlfriend involving a matter of $100 that had been stolen.

The affidavit says McCorkle stood on the front lawn and called for Doughty to come outside which he did. The documents say Doughty pulled a gun from his waistband and pointed a gun at McCorkle.

Documents say McCorkle asked Doughty something to effect of, “You have a gun. What are you going to do, shoot me?”

A witness told detectives Doughty did not speak and shot McCorkle in the head then ran away.

Doughty was arrested February 8 at a home near Logan Elementary.

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