Spokane makerspace provides creative outlet for veterans and community members

SPOKANE, Wash. – A makerspace in Spokane geared toward veterans is hoping to give everyone an opportunity to embrace their creative side.

The VetsGarage is a volunteer based non-profit where anyone can learn to create and craft almost anything you can think of.

While it is geared toward veterans, the space is open to anyone needing to clear their head and create something unique.

“If you’re experiencing a lot of stress or anxiety, having something that’s a positive outlet can be very helpful,” said VetsGarage executive director Josh Pollack.

Inside the building, anxiety, stress, and other troubles can be put on the backburner through what organizers call positive distracting activities. These include woodturning, metalworking and even some welding.

“It’s a good place to let go for a little while and enjoy some creative energy,” Pollack said.

Pollack said his father counsels veterans and suggested it might be beneficial for them to have a place to go where creativity overrides trauma.

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