20 Spokane Police employees have applied for early retirement buyout

SPOKANE, WASH – In a measure that could save the City of Spokane just over a million dollars, 20 veteran employees of the Spokane Police Department have applied to take an early retirement buyout.

Mayor Lisa Brown announced the buyout option earlier this summer as part of an effort to combat the city’s $50 million budget deficit.

The plan was developed in partnership with the Spokane Police Guild and the Spokane Police Lieutenants and Captains Association.

It allows officers who are at least 50 years old with at least 20 years of experience to take early retirement.

At the time, the City of Spokane said it would be offered to 25 officers.

As of this week, 19 members of the police guild and one member of the lieutenants and captains association have applied for the plan.

Public records show the city would pay the officers a retirement incentive of $96,000, which equates to $1000 a month for eight years.

These employees all applied by the August 1st deadline, which means they must retire by September 1st if approved.

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