Veterans cemetery honors 28 unclaimed veterans dating back to World War I

A bell rang 28 times Thursday, once for each of the unclaimed veterans who were being interred at Washington State Veterans Cemetery outside Medical Lake.

Military honors, including a three-volley salute and the playing of taps, followed.

“This ceremonial act of respect is the final demonstration a grateful nation can provide a veteran and their family,” said Rudy Lopez, cemetery director. “Today, you are the veteran’s family.”

Lopez said the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs works with veterans service groups, funeral partners and volunteers to locate, identify, recover and inter unclaimed or abandoned veterans and qualified family members. It then honors their service to their nation with a respectful interment service called “Forgotten Heroes.”

Cemetery staff collaborate with state and federal agencies and volunteers from around Washington and North Idaho to assist in the effort.

Twenty-eight veterans, plus one spouse, were honored Thursday in front of veterans organizations and the general public. Twenty of the veterans served during World War I or II, and three served during the Vietnam War.

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