SPOKANE, Wash. — A military couple walked into their new home Thursday greeted by heartfelt notes of love and appreciation.
Just under three months ago, the Weichman family was stunned by the news that they would be gifted a free home.
On Thursday community members, neighbors and those who helped build the home wrote notes and welcoming words on the studs and framing of the new home to honor Sergeant Christopher Weichman and his family.
“It’s amazing to see the amount of gratitude. It’s regrettably rare in today’s world and it’s reassuring and inspiring to see how many people have so many amazing things to say,” Sgt. Weichman said.
Sgt. Weichman dedicated more than 15 years of his life to the U.S. Air Force, today he received a token of appreciation for his unwavering commitment. “Being on the receiving end of that is of course, humbling,” he said.
Throughout the home, notes were scattered with welcoming words and sentiments honoring Sergeant Weichman’s service. Although Weichman is now retired from the military, his spirit of giving back is still strong.