Chilling nuclear bomb map predicts Houston ‘destruction’ and 90,000 fatalities after ‘Little Boy’ explosion

An interactive map created by paints a terrifying picture of the catastrophic damage that would be inflicted on Houston if a nuclear bomb were to be detonated within its metropolitan area. The maps , crafted by Alex Wellerstein, a nuclear historian at the Stevens Institute of Technology, illustrate the devastating aftermath of nuclear weapons in major cities globally.

If a weapon akin to Little Boy – the bomb unleashed on Hiroshima by the United States on August 9, 1945 – were to be detonated in the Texas city, the devastation would be unimaginable. The Little Boy had a yield of 15 kilotons.

According to Wellerstein’s expert modeling , such an event would result in 90,170 fatalities. Furthermore, there would be 65,040 injuries. The light blast damage radius would extend over two miles in distance, likely resulting in shattered windows and potential injuries, despite being the least severe impact of a nuclear bomb explosion in a populated area.

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