Houston tackles budget deficit, offers retirement incentives to workers

HOUSTON ( KIAH ) — The city of Houston is facing a projected budget deficit of more than $330 million. As a result, the mayor of Houston, John Whitmire , has offered voluntary retirement incentives to about 2,700 city workers.

“While we are committed to minimizing the need for layoff, we will be conducting a citywide restructuring that will lead to changes in workforce composition, reporting structures, and job titles in the upcoming fiscal year.”

Mayor John Whitmire

These incentives are a step in an overall effort to reduce city spending and bring the budget closer to the city’s revenue projections.

Mayor John Whitmire

“Conversations between [human resources] and the retirement incentive plan-eligible employees are just the beginning.”

Whitmire also announced in a letter to city employees that his administration is implementing citywide restructuring. The first step in this restructuring is a citywide hiring freeze for all departments except for police and fire.


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