Business owner hopes council will amend casino-style game bill

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – “My concern is that I’m getting lumped in with these illegal operations.”

Todd Wilson, the head of Rapid Roberts Inc., says he’d like Springfield City Council to take a closer look at Council Bill 2024-019.

The bill is expected to be voted upon on February 5.

In the current language, it would eliminate any ‘entertainment’ device that could dish out monetary prizes, regardless of odds.

“We operate by the law, and we don’t want to do anything to impact our business or our community,” Wilson said. “I think that’s a huge differentiator when you have a local business like ours versus these out-of-town bad actors.”

How are the machines at Rapid Roberts from the casino-style storefront you may notice in Springfield?

Wilson says his games have a feature called, “Pre-Reveal”.

“There’s a function on the game that tells you whether you’re going to win or lose before you ever put money in it,” Wilson said. “It tells you what the outcome is before you ever play the game.”

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