Mercy Springfield Communities president serves in state, national hospital associations

Mercy Springfield Communities president David Argueta is serving on the Missouri Hospital Association’s board of trustees and will be a Missouri delegate for the American Hospital Association, according to a press release. His term began Jan. 1 and will last through December 2026.

MHA is a nonprofit with 140 member hospitals. The organization advocates for policies to improve health and health care and “provides data, decision-support tools and operational resources to help hospitals and health systems deliver care,” according to MHA’s website.

“We are excited to have David (Argueta’s) counsel on the MHA board,” said Jon D. Doolittle, MHA president and CEO, in the press release. “Not only does he bring nearly 20 years of service in hospital administration to this role, he is passionate about the work hospitals do to make every health care experience a good one.”

The American Hospital Association represents hospitals on a national level and advocates for members in national health policy, legislature and judicial debates, according to the association’s website. The AHA reports its membership includes nearly 5,000 hospitals, health systems, networks and providers, as well as 43,000 individual members.

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