Local pharmacy launching smoking cessation classes

BOLIVAR, Mo.-In the United States, smoking is the number one leading cause of preventable deaths, with over 480-thousand deaths a year.

Stephens Pharmacy in Bolivar is preparing to launch a smoking cessation class to promote better living in the Ozarks.

Bailey Sherry is a Clinical Staff Pharmacist at the pharmacy. She will also be leading the American Lung Association’s Freedom from Smoking program.

“It is eight sessions over seven weeks. It’s a group class. It’s open to any sort of nicotine use, whether it’s vaping or chewing tobacco or cigarettes,” Sherry said.

Beginning on July 30th, the group will meet once a week to support one another through ending tobacco usage. Halfway through the program, participants will make a change in their lifestyles.

“Everybody’s going to quit at the fourth session together,” Sherry said. “And then we’re actually going to meet two days later for extra accountability and support when people need it the most.”

Sherry also said that during the pandemic, she saw how smoking affected those with the coronavirus.

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